Friday, August 29, 2008

Price Book Changes!

We’ve Updated Our Price Book!

No matter what the “experts” tell you, we are in a recession. (If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck… )

Because we are ALL hurting, we decided to re-vamp our entire price book. The boss and I spent more than 20 man-hours going through every item in our price book. We lowered almost every price!

Now, plumbing is still expensive; don’t expect something that would have cost $500.00 before to only cost $50.00 now! That’s not going to happen. But it might be $425.00, maybe even a little lower!

Our prices were not outrageous before. We have a saying here, “Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.” By this we mean that we just want to make enough money to turn a profit. We are trying to build relationships; partnerships, if you will. We need to make money, but we don’t need to get it all from ONE customer!

To give you an example of one of our prices. The normal price to test a backflow device is usually either $49.00 or $59.00! That's it! (There are a couple of things that could make it be more than this, but normally this is the price per device!)

Something totally off the subject...

I am sure many of you watched the Olympics! I know my wife and I did. We have Tivo, so we were able to record a lot of it and watch it when we wanted to. (How did we ever do without Tivo? We have told friends about it, and they all said things like, “That’s nice”, but you could tell they didn’t care. Then they got Tivo and they absolutely love it!) It was tough though, I watch Sports Center almost every morning and I couldn’t watch during the Olympics. I didn’t want to find out what happened before I got to watch it. What fun would it have been to watch the basketball gold medal game if I already knew who was going to win? (Okay, I had STRONG suspicions who was going to win, but I didn’t KNOW!)