For vegetable vadai varieties, some add gram dal or tuar dal instead of Bengal gram as a binding agent. If you add pattaani paruppu instead of Bengal gram, then the taste will be delicious!!!
Thinly sliced onion- 1 cup
Finely chopped green chillies-2
Turmeric powder- half sp
Chopped coriander- 2 tbsp
Curry leaves- 1 arc
Salt to taste
Bengal gram- 1 cup
Chilli powder- half sp
Soda bi carbonate-a pinch
Enough oil to deep fry
Grind coarsely the following:
A small piece-cinnamon, fennel seeds-half sp, shredded ginger- half sp, garlic flakes-8[small]
Soak the Bengal gram in enough water for an hour. Drain the water and grind coarsely with enough salt. Shred the beetroots finely. Heat a pan and pour 2 tbsp of oil. Add the onions with the chillies and the curry leaves. Fry them to golden brown. Add the beetroot with the turmeric powder and fry for a few minutes. Add the ground paste, chilli powder and salt. Fry the beetroot until it is well cooked. Finally add the coriander leaves and toss for a few seconds. When it is cooled, add it to the ground paste of Bengal gram, add the soda bi carbonate and mix well with the fingers. Make small balls, flatten them in to thin vadais and fry them in hot oil to golden brown.