Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sarkarai-Pongal/Sweet Rice

I have Mentioned in my last post, that i made sarkarai pongal and urad dal vada for Neivedhiyam for Purattasi Saturday. Here is my Recipe for Sarkarai Pongal.
1/2 cup Raw Rice
1/4 cup Moong Dal
1/2 cup powdered Jaggery (tightly packed)
2-3 tbsp of Ghee
1 1/2 cup of Milk
1 1/2 cup of  Water
Cashews and Raisins for Garnishing

In a Heavy-bottom Pan, roast rice and dal together. It gives out a nice aroma while roasting. Once done, add milk and water, and simmer the flame. 

Let the Rice and dal get cooked well. to a mushy state. 

At this stage add the jaggery and mix well. When the jaggery melts and mixes well with rice and dal, add ghee and mix well.
Once the mixture starts turning dry, Put off the flame. In another pan, add some ghee and roast cashews and raisins and add it to the Sweet Rice. Serve Hot
Sending this to Festive Rice Event @ Torview.

With this post, i m happy to announce My Blog's Birthday. Actually i should have Celebrated this last week, but i was busy with some personal work. A Big Thank You to all my Friends who encourage me. by visiting my blog, taking their time out and reading my every single post and giving their valuable comments. Every Single Comment of yours means a lot to me. Hope to Keep this Hobby turned passion Going!!! Happy Blogging Fellas!!!! Have a Great Day!!!