Friday, February 06, 2009

Red Bean Buns

I simply couldn't resist to bake something while I was away from home recently. My hand was so itchy that just couldn't stop touching those utensil in the kitchen of my mother-in-law. She had ready made red bean paste so we decided to make some red bean buns together using her new bread machine. I felt so good after the baking as the bread turn out quite pretty, soft and tasty.

Bun recipe:

(A) 200g bread flour / 20g plain flour / 25g sugar / 1/4 teaspoon salt / 1/2 tsp + 1/4 tsp yeast / 15g milk powder / 25g eggs / 115g water / 15g butter

(B) 200g red bean paste (divide into 8 portions) / 20g white sesame

How we do it:

  1. Mix ingredients (A) with bread machine for 30 minutes until it become a smooth and elastic dough.
  2. Place the dough into a clean bowl and cover with cling wrap to proof for 60 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough into 8 portions and round them into small balls. Then fill the doughs with red bean and shape it into a smooth balls. Let the dough proof for 15 minutes.
  4. Slightly flatten each dough and use a scissor to cut the edges into 8 flower pedals. Continue to proof for 10 minutes.
  5. Egg wash the doughs then top with some sesame. Bake at 190'C preheated oven for 15 minutes until golden brown.