I have had 6 children, 5 deliveries as I have twins, and the first 5 went well. Giving birth is not easy but I coped. Number 6 came along and it was awful, I screamed, shouted, cried, panicked and scared my eldest daughter who was my birth partner. Afterwards I said if it had been the first I wouldn't have had any more. The birth was difficult, she nearly didn't make it and was ill for a while after delivery, but all turned out well after about a week. Or so I thought.
Here she is today fast asleep on the door mat.
Terrible two's never existed before in my house, it was a made up concept for people who couldn't cope!. I take it all back. She is a nightmare!. She never sleeps through the night, breastfeeds every two hours - still, screams, shouts and causes trouble wherever she goes. She fell asleep today after shouting 'No' for about half an hour because I took her out of the car.
But I wouldn't be without her, she makes us all laugh and is so cuddly and cute, helping me around the house - when it suits her!