Sunday, January 01, 2012

Basic White Bread

Baking with yeast is something which I didn't like initially, but now I feel that I am addicted to it. Initially, without anyone's help(obviously with only Internet) I baked pizza crust, which was my first baking experience with yeast. The result was not as expected and they ended up in bin. However, after continuous efforts involving wastage of some ingredients, I have now gained some level of mastery and now I'm brave enough to post this baking recipe with yeast.

Yes! After baking this white bread and seeing the final outcome, I couldn't believe myself that it was me who baked it!!! I was pleased and excited!

It is simple white bread with stepwise kneading instructions (If you own a kneading machine, kindly skip) for beginners who are absolutely new to yeast baking. Please refer here about yeast before you step into the recipe. I referred Rachel Allen's Baking for the kneading instructions and I have blogged the same here.

Basic Information:
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Idle Time: 2 hours
Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes
Makes: 1 loaf


All purpose flour/ Plain flour/ Maida - 2 cups + extra for dusting

Warm water - 1/2 cup + extra to make soft dough

Active dry yeast - 1 envelope (7g)

Sugar - 2 teaspoons

Olive Oil/ Butter - 1 tablespoon + extra for greasing

Salt -  1/8 teaspoon


1) In a small bowl, mix sugar, yeast, 1/2 cup warm water and keep aside for 5-7 minutes till the water is frothy.


2) Meanwhile, sift the all purpose flour and add salt. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour olive oil or butter. Start mixing using your hand which results flour mixture similar to breadcrumbs.

3) Add proved yeast to the flour mixture little at a time till you make a soft dough. Add extra warm water if required.


 4) Now the kneading part. Knead it for 10 minutes by pushing the front of the dough away with the heel of your hand while holding the back of the dough as shown in picture.

5) Then, fold the stretched part back on itself. Give a quarter turn and repeat the steps. If you own an electric mixer, you just require 3-5 minutes to do this job.

6) At the end, you get a smooth and soft elastic dough ball.

7) Coat it with oil and keep in a bowl greased with oil. Cover using a damp cloth/ cling wrap for an hour until the dough has doubled in its size. (Keep near warm stove/preheated oven/ inside the switched off the oven with turning the light on).


 8) When the dough has risen, punch it back using your fist. Transfer the dough to the lightly floured surface.

9) Knead it for 2-3 minutes then allow to rest again for 10 minutes. Use cling wrap to cover this.

10) Preheat the oven for 220C(425F).

11) Shape the dough into oval and place inside the loaf tin(2lb, 25CM X 12CM). Cover using the damp cloth/cling wrap and keep near the warm place.


12) Allow it for final raising say about for 30-40 minutes. (It might differ based on the place where you keep the loaf tin for rising. Most of the time, it is less than an hour. but make sure not to over prove, otherwise the bread will deflate.)

13) Slightly touch the bread surface using your finger. It should be soft and spring back slowly.If so, the dough is ready for baking.

14) Dust the top with flour or give a light coating of butter/oil/milk.

15) Bake it for 20-25 minutes or until the bread is well risen. After 15 minutes from the starting time, turn the oven temperature down to 200C(400F).

16) Turn out immediately after cooking. Otherwise the base part will be soggy.

17) Cool on a wire rock. Once done, cover using a clean towel and store it.

18) Serve with butter or jam or nutella.


1) Use tray with water/ ice cubes to provide steaming for breads to get soft brown outside crust.

2) The raising time might differ and depends on the temperature on the room.

3) Yeast proofing is optional for active dry yeast. However spending an extra 5 minutes will help you to avoid using old/expired yeast in bread baking.

Happy New Year With Custard Powder Fudge


Here is a short Sweet recipe on the first day of the happy New Year.


Vanilla Custard Powder - 1 cup
Sugar - 3 cups
Water - 4 1/2 cups
Juice of 1 lime = 4 tbsps
ghee - 2 tbsps


Nuts roasted in another 2 tbsps of ghee


Mix all the INGREDIENTS together without lumps and cook on medium flame stirring continuously till the translucent mass leaves the sides of the pan, mix in the GARNISH and then pour on to a greased plate. 



Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cardamom Pull Apart Bread & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012


This is another recipe for my december month Event - Cardamom. I never tried a bread recipe with cardamom, but the bread turned out so good and really good and loved the mild sweetness with the rich cardamom flavor. I didn't think of any recipe to combine with this bread for our dinner, but when the bread was baking, just the idea of tomato soup clicked my mind. At first I was not sure how the combo would work, but believe me or not it worked wonders. All three of us liked it so much and we could not stop eating.
I tried making the shape of a cardamom shaped bread which can be pull apart easily, it was looking nice before baking....but once I baked it and saw the shape it looked more like a pumpkin pull apart bread. He he he heeeeee....... Anyways I was happy that I could at least achieve good in trying the pull apart part of the bread. :)

4 cups All Purpose Flour
2tsp Yeast
1 Heaping tsp Cardamom (Ground/Powder)
1 stick or 1/2 cup - 1 tbsp or 7 tbsp Unsalted Butter
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Sugar
2/3 Milk
1 tbsp Vanilla essence/extract
1/2 tsp Salt

1. In a large bowl sift the flour, salt, cardamom powder.
2. In a sauce pan add milk and warm it a bit.
3. In a small bowl add yeast, little sugar and some warmed milk, stir it and leave it for about 5 mins.
4. In the meantime add butter in the warm milk and let it melt.
5. In another mixing bowl add eggs and sugar and beat it well with a hand mixer or whisk in medium speed until fluffy.

6. Now add the yeast mixture and milk with butter into the eggs and mix again, now add the flour and knead it, the dough will be sticky, so dust a surface with little bit of flour and transfer the dough onto the flour surface and knead to form a dough for about 6 mins and until the dough does not stick to your hand. Make sure that you do not add more flour for kneading, add only about 2 tbsp or less if you don't that much.

7. Now in a bowl place the dough and cover with a damp kitchen towel and let it rise for about 1 hr in a warm place.
8. Now punch down the air from the dough and again knead it for a min.
9. Preheat oven to 350F.

10. Make the desired shape and place it on a lined baking sheet or loaf pan and baked it for about 30 to 40 mins or until the top of the bread is turned slight/golden brown. I baked it like golden brown, so that it would taste better with soup.
I brushed the top of the crust with butter and served with Tomato Soup (Click the Link for the Recipe)

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