Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Savory Semolina Veggie Cake- Blog Hop Wednesday, Version 2, Week 13

It is Blog Hop Wednesday, Week-13. From this week, we have few changes, previously we used hop every 2 weeks,from now on, it is been changed to a Monthly Event. If you are interested in joining us, Please visit tickling palates for the rules. 
This week i m paired with Neha of From my Heart. Loved her Baked goodies. I tried her Savory Semolina Cake with Veggies. We had it for dinner last week, came out yumm!!!! With all the veggies, it is very filling Breakfast/Dinner. 

 1 Cup Semolina/Rava/Sooji
1 Cup Thick Yogurt
1/2 Cup Water
3/4 Cup Peas
1 Large Carrot, thinly sliced
1 Onion, Chopped
1 inch piece Ginger, grated
1 tsp Red chili powder
1/4 tsp Turmeric powder
1/2 tsp Baking soda
1/2 tsp Baking powder
Salt to taste

For Seasoning
2 tbsp Oil
2 sprigs Curry leaves
Cumin seeds- 1\2 tsp
1/2 tsp Mustard seeds

  • Pre heat the oven to 350 degrees.Grease a loaf tin and line it with parchment paper.
  • In a bowl, mix together semolina, red chili powder, turmeric powder, salt ,veggies and yogurt.Add water to make a batter
  • In a pan, add oil, add the seasoning ingredients one by one and add it to the batter
  • Add baking soda and baking powder to the batter and mix well.
  • Pour the batter in the prepared pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes. 
  • Serve hot with coriander chutney and tomato ketchup

Baadaam Poli For A Happy Pongal / Sankranti


 I am very happy to be back on time to post Baadaam Poli for Pongal/Sankranti after a short visit to our native village. I was pleasantly surprised to see an award waiting for Chitra ( Chitra Amma's Kitchen ) from Chitra at (Chitranna). Thank you Chitra for your  appreciation and  kind gesture.
 Here is a special Poli to celebrate the harvest festival.


 Grated Copra / Dry coconut - 1/2 cup 
Almonds - 1/2 cup 
Jaggery ( crushed ) - 3/4 cup
Ghee - 1 tsp
Cardamom powder - 1 pinch


1. Dry roast the grated copra lightly for a minute on low flame. Remove as soon as it gives out a pleasant aroma.
2. Blanch almonds and remove the skin. 
3.Grind the roasted copra and the almonds into a slightly coarse and thick paste sprinkling little water.
4. Dissolve jaggery in 1/2 a cup of warm water and filter. 
5. Cook the ground paste and filtered jaggery water till everything comes together in a lump and add the ghee.

6. Switch off flame and mix in the cardamom powder and let it cool.

7. Pinch portions of the filling and make lime size balls and keep aside. 



Plain flour / maida - 1 cup
Turmeric powder - 1 pinch 
salt - 1 pinch 
Oil - 2 tsps 


1. Knead the above ingredients together into a soft  dough, cover it and leave it aside for at least an hour. 
2. Divide the dough into lime size balls. 
3. Flatten one dough ball and place a ball of the sweet copra and baadaam filling on it.

4. Flatten another dough ball and cover the filling .

5. Press the edges together and seal the filling between the two flattened dough balls. 
6. Roll out into thin Polis using a rolling pin lightly dusting it with flour.

 7. Heat a greased tava and cook the Baadaam Poli on low flame.
 8. Turn over and cook on the flip side dribbling with  little oil. 

9. When golden brown spots start to appear remove the Baadaam Poli on to a plate. 

Enjoy the Flavoursome Baadaam Poli topped with a dollop of fresh ghee or drenched in a cup of hot milk.

Baadaam Poli can also be prepared using wheat flour following the same method.The bigger one on the plate is prepared using wheat flour.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vegetable Pasta

I love Pasta! but I have posted just one Pasta recipe in these 8 months since I started blogging. I will try to post more pasta recipes in the future. Now, I have made a vegetable pasta recipe to start with.

Basic Information:

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes + 20 minutes for cooking pasta

Serves: 3


For Pasta:

Uncooked fusilli Pasta - 1 and 1/2 cup

Onion - 1 no, small size, finely sliced

Carrot - 1no, medium size, sliced

Capsicum/Bell pepper - 1 no, any colour, cubed

Eggplant - 1 no, small size, cubed

Potato - 1 no, small size, cubed

Salt - to taste

Black pepper - 1 teaspoon

Olive Oil - 1 tablespoon

For Sauce:

Milk - 1/2 cup

Cream cheese/Soft cheese - 1/4cup -1/2 cup

Dry herbs - 1 teaspoon (oregano, thyme)


1) Cook pasta as per instructions given in the pack. I cook it by adding water with a teaspoon of oil for 20 minutes in microwave. The time differs depending on your microwave and type of pasta.

2) Once it is cooked, drain the excess water. Keep it aside.

3) Take a pan and heat oil in it. Add onion and saute it well.

4) Add vegetables and salt. Sprinkle little water. Cover and cook it for 3-5 minutes, until soft. Make sure not to overcook the vegetables.

5) While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the sauce for pasta.

6) Heat milk in a saucepan. Add cream cheese. Stir it well to avoid any lumps and continue stirring till you get a creamy texture.

7) Reduce the flame and add dried herbs. Mix well. Let the sauce be in low flame.

8) Now, check the vegetables. If they are done, add the sauce followed by pasta and mix it well on high flame just for a minute.

9) Sprinkle black pepper to taste and mix well.

10) Garnish with mint leaves and serve hot.


1) Add vegetables as per your choice.

2) I used less milk and cream cheese as per my family taste. It is absolutely your choice, to adjust the milk and cream cheese. Add more to get more creaminess in the pasta.

3) If you don't have cream cheese, use only milk. I have prepared many times only with milk and sometimes substituted with single/heavycream. Still it tasted good.