Thursday, February 02, 2012

Birthday Cupcaka ( Ridha, Cawang)

Wohooo setelah off beberapa bulan..akhirnya..bikin kue lagi..hehehe.

Dimulai dari pesenannya Ridha, ini order yang ke 2. Pesan untuk Ibu dari cowo nya Ridha.

Ini hasilnya :

Happy Birthday ya Tante..
Sehat selalu, panjang umur n Ridha nya cepet-cepet dilamar..hihihihi

Makasi ya Ridha


Today I've added 100g breadmakers flour and enough water to keep the paste like consistency. I've just covered it with a teatowel now and it's sat in the kitchen, somewhere not too cold is fine.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Completed Kitchen/Family room remodel complete!

Before refacing.
After refacing

     The home make-over is finally finished!  Just in time for a birthday party.  The fireplace refacing ended up looking fantastic.  Phil took off the old tile and replaced it with gorgeous dark slate, each piece hand-picked.  The hearth was also removed, permanently.  These pictures give an idea of the final look.  A few more will follow.  Dreaming of your own home make-over?  Give us a call!! :-)