Thursday, June 28, 2012

This is the east bathroom that was used by the staff in the Low-Martin days.  This window had to be removed and repaired at BetterMade Cabinets facility. The damage was too great to be done on site.  We are happy with the results.

This is the east bathroom that was used by the staff in the Low-Martin days.  This window had to be removed and repaired at BetterMade Cabinets facility. The damage was too great to be done on site.  We are happy with the results.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dining room front window is close to complete.  The broken right window is now repaired and we will have to catch the painting up on that side.

Dining room front window is close to complete. The broken right window is now repaired and we will have to catch the painting up on that side.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bed Cupcake ( Ci Rini, Sunter )

Kayanya kudu kasih Nda ini bonus deh..hehehehe uda banyak orderan yang aku dapet dari temenku ini. Salah satu nya orderan ini, buat Ci Rini untuk anaknya yang ultah ke 15.

Request nya mau bentuk ranjang terus ada anak cowok lagi main laptop. Karena katanya anaknya suka banget maen game.

Kebetulan bangett kali ini bikin kue lapis surabaya kok bisa tinggi banget kue nya..( yang bikinnya wis bingung juga..hahaha)

Happy Birthday Bryan Yenata

Thanks Ci Rin, Thanks Nda.Muachhhh