Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Babycorn Satay with Peanut Sauce - Guest Post by Prathima of Prat's Corner

Prathima from Prats Corner is this month's guest host in my kitchen. Prats and I are real "virtual" friends. Though it may sound oxymoronic, it is a true statement. We got to know each other through the blogging world and Facebook and became good friends. Emails and chats kept us connected. I love her elegant blogspace and unique dishes. My favorite is the authentic Davanagare Benne Dosa. I

Monday, September 17, 2012

The butler cabinets are getting a complete restoration.  www.bettermadecabients.com

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Alphabet Cake ( Inka, Muara Karang )

Pesenannya temen kantor 1 gedung untuk ultah anaknya yang ke 3.

Thanks ya In..
Happy Birthday Ridley..