Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gauging the Health of Your Home Heating and Cooling Ducts

If your home has a central heating and air conditioning system, maintaining the ductwork is essential to keeping your home comfortable and healthy. Neglected ducts can harbor high levels of air pollutants, circulating them inside your home and contributing to conditions like asthma, allergies, sinus irritation, and other respiratory problems. Inefficient ducts can also impact your energy usage and may cause a significant increase in your monthly utility bills.

Many homeowners think that simply cleaning their ducts will take care of any air quality problems inside their homes. This just isn’t the case. While keeping ducts clean is important, far more significant is what’s going into the ductwork. Harmful fumes from paint and cleaning supplies, tobacco smoke, and even cooking are some of the main causes of poor indoor air quality. If you are having trouble with the quality of air circulating through your home, take a closer look at any of your daily activities that could be contributing to the problem.

Still, cleaning ductwork is important. Mold and odors caused by deceased vermin behind the walls of your home can seep into ducts and interfere with air quality. When cleaning ductwork be sure to replace the air filter, remove any foreign objects, and repair any noticeable cracks, tears, or weak spots. A professional HVAC technician can thoroughly clean your system and make necessary repairs or recommendations to improve the quality of air inside your home.

An impeccable duct system is nothing without a good support team: well insulated windows, doors, attics, crawl spaces, and basements. Without the proper joints and sealants, all the warm or cool air pumped out through your home’s ductwork will be lost to the outdoors. This not only affects the efficiency of your heating and cooling system, but it also raises your monthly utility costs. Be sure that all windows and doors are properly fitted and sealed, and that your home is adequately insulated.

Perhaps the most under-appreciated part of any heating and cooling system is the air return ducts. Proper return ducts ensure consistent, comfortable heating and air conditioning which improves ventilation, air quality, and the overall temperature inside your home. If the air return ducts aren’t functioning properly it can even force your furnace or air conditioning unit to work harder; this can increase wear and tear on your equipment and may shorten the overall life of your system.

Because air return ducts are a complex part of your home’s heating and cooling system, it’s best to leave them to the professionals. If you notice that the rooms in your house with outside walls are often a different temperature than the rest of the home, or that your energy bills are going up even though you haven’t changed your usage habits, it’s a sign that you may be having trouble with your return ducts. It would be wise to call in a professional technician to check things out.

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Potato Bell Pepper Rice

This is a perfect lunch box item that can be made in less than 30 minutes.

Sona Masoori Rice/Raw Rice - 1 cup
Potato - 2 medium
Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - 1 medium
Carrot - 1/4 cup chopped
Spring onion - 2 tbsp chopped
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Sambar powder - 1.5 tsp
Garam masala powder - 1 tsp
Slit green chilli - 1
Oil - 4 tbsp
Jeera - 1 tsp

Cook rice in 2 3/4 cups of water and set aside.
Heat oil in a pan. Add jeera. When they crackle, add chopped potatoes and green chilli. Sprinkle salt and saute till potatoes are partially cooked.
Add chopped carrot, bell pepper, turmeric powder, sambar powder, garam masala powder and some salt. Saute till the veggies are cooked.
Gently toss rice with the veggies without mashing the rice. Add salt if needed. Garnish with spring onion.
Serve with raitha or chips.

Rice should be cooked in such a way that the grains are separate and not mushy.
Don't mix cooked rice to the veggies all at once. Add gradually and check if the proportion is right.
Adjust the quantities of spice powders to your taste.

It's time to Nastarrrr

Huaaa ga berasa ya bentar lagi Christmas..Ga tau kenapa sukaaa bgt kalo Desember gini.
Kemaren jalan-jalan ke Puri Mal, wahh uda banyak yang jual pernak pernik Natal, uda mulai diputer lagu-lagu Natal. Bawaannya jadi melowww..hehehhee.

Hmm pengen deh Natal bisa jalan-jalan ke Swiss,Australia..hehehe..tapi sekarang masih ngumpulin sedikit demi sedikit biar jadi bukit nih..hihihihi

Oiya kalo Natalan begini sih uda pasti sibuk bikin kue kering.Ini pesenannya Meyda.Temen ku punya temen..dia pengen nyobain Nastar buat tar pesen Natalan.

Nastar nya pake wisman lohh , jadi wangi banget

Meyda bilang dia super duper cocokk ama rasanya..Natalan ini Meyda uda pesen Nastar 25 toples ama kue yang laen-laennya juga sekalian.

Thanks ya Mey..

Buat yang mau pesenn..Hayuuukkkk ^_^