Monday, January 31, 2011

Candied Orange Peel

Any fresh fruit juice is welcome at home. Now a days, I make some fresh juice or milkshake every day for breakfast. On one such day, I made orange juice and I did not feel like throwing the fresh and bright orange peels. I remember my mom saying about a vethakuzhambu using these peels. But I wanted to try some candied peels. On searching the internet, I landed here and used her recipe. Do drop in her page to see some step by step pictures and for more candy recipes in her blog. Though it involves quite some time, its worth and tastes and smells much better than the store bought one.

You need

  •  Peel from 3 oranges
  • Sugar - 1 cup
Scrap the whit pith in the inner part of the peel using a spoon. I tried taking it out using a knife and I was tearing the peel in the process. I found the spoon works out better. Cut the peel into strips. Blanch the orange peel in hot water with 1/2 teaspoon of  salt added to it for 10 minutes. Drain and blanch again in  water without adding salt. Its blanched twice to remove the bitterness from the peel.

Heat water and sugar together. When the syrup starts  boiling, add the blanched strips. Continue to cook on low flame, till the strips turn translucent. Its better you  don't stir it very often,which lead to sugar crystallising.  It took 20 minutes for me. Drain the peels and spread it on a plate to dry.

The left  over orange flavored syrup can be used while making juices  orr in fruit salad. You don't have much syrup left out and it gets used up faster too.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nutty Poori/Roti

Another Variation of my Kid's Favourite Poori. Today is the last day of our Blogging Marathon, it has been a great month, with lotz of tasty recipes from all of us. Thanks to Srivalli, for Kick Starting this Blogging Marathon. Had a good discipline to attend to my blog daily, though i missed 4-5 days due to ill health!!!! Hope to continue this discipline!!!!  A Post, A Day, Keeps your Blog Healthy & Happy!!!!!

Do check out my friends posts here SrivalliPriya Suresh, JayMonika
RevaPJAzeema , Ayeesha ,Veena , UshaSoumya and Gayathri.

1/2 cup Wheat flour
2 tbsp Almond Meal
2 tbsp Flaxseed Meal
Salt to taste
Oil and Water for making dough
Oil for frying the Poori

Mix Wheat Flour, Almond Meal and Flaxseed Meal, Salt  together, add water and a teaspoon of oil and Make a Soft Chapathi Dough. Divide the dough in to Balls and Roll them out as Flat disc or Cut out Desired Shapes using a Cookie Cutter and Deep fry the Poori. You can also Cook them on a Hot Tava/Griddle as Chapathi. Since it has Flaxseed and Almond Meal along with the Goodness of Wheat Flour, this is a Nutritious Treat to Kids and also to Adults.

Birthday cupcake for Andi

Ini pesenan dr temen SMA yang dulu kita dekett bgt kaya lem ama perangko..hehehe.Tp lose contact krn dia pindah sekolahm trs ktm lagi bbrp hr yang lalu.

Dia langsung deh mo pesen cupcake buat Birthday suami tercintah nya, Andi.

Suami nya doyan bgt ama kue, manis n coklat. Mintanya ada motor, mama n lovely ( baby girl nya) ama laptop.
Tuapiiiii gara2 uda karna aku jg lagi ada urusan, lupaa deh ama si laptop. Padahal uda feeling tuh  kok kaya ada yg kurangg.

Eh ga lama setelah cupcake nya nyampe, Ira bbm " Ren, kok ga ada laptop nya ?"
Jreng..jrengggg..maaappp Ra.lupaaaa,,

Comment nya : "Wokeh bgt deh kue nya Ren, tp krn laki g doyan coklat n manis, katanya kurang manis..Kalo gue sih uda cocok" .makasih yaa Ra..