Thursday, May 31, 2012

Stairway window complete -  This window was in horrible shape.  We took the window out and had it repaired at BetterMade Cabinets.  The frame and sill was repaired and painted on site.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Italian Summer trifle

Trifle is quintessentially English. It's been around for about 400 years, but has evolved over time. Originally more of a fool it became what we now understand to be trifle in the Victorian era. They added the booze soaked cake and the fruit separately to the cream. Whether a trifle has jelly or not seems to be a matter of personal preference. I like mine without. In fact my perfect trifle is just how mum makes it; sherry soaked sponge a layer of fruit, followed by custard and topped with whipped cream. I was always the special dessert in our house, especially if she over did it on the sherry!!!

In the sunny weather we have had for the past week (no doubt it will stop next week while the kids are off school) I made some Limoncello, so here is my updated version of trifle. It encompasses those lovely summer flavours of lemon and fresh fruit, I've not used custard as I find it rather heavy and wanted to keep this light.


1 pack sponge fingers
250g mascapone
300ml double cream
summer fruit (I used raspberries and blueberries)
5 tbsp icing sugar


Soak the sponge fingers in the Limoncello.
Whisk the mascapone with the cream and icing sugar until thick

Layer half the sponge fingers in your bowl.
Add half the fruit.
Spread over half the cream mixture.
Repeat these three layers.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

My silly face