Monday, March 14, 2011

Beach with love ( Monique, BCA Pd.Indah )

Pesenan dari Monique, aku juga baru kenal. Di add karena naksir ama cupcake nya chika. Duh ini pesenan uda booking dari jauh2 hari kayanya dr tahun kemaren deh, Desember kalo ga salah.

Moniq mo kasi cupcake ini untuk Bday co tersayangnya yang ke 26.Trus Moniq kasi gambar dia n co nya lagi di pantai n mo dibikin cupcake sama kaya gt..qiqiqiqiq pe er buat tukang kue neh..hehehe

Suka deh ama cupcake ini.biru2 air nya seger, berasa pgn nyelem..wkwkwkwkwk

Cupcake nya tadi pagi uda dianter ama kurir and uda diterima jg ama Moniq.

Oiya Moniq bilang kayanya lucu ya kalo di pasangin ama foto asli nya, aku uda ijin ke dia jg bole ga aku pasang foto aslinya. Moniq bilang bole..aduhh makasi ya Dear..

Ini foto aslinya :

Ini cupcake nya ( mirip ga ? )hihihihi 

Comment nya : " Lucuuuu Ren, ini  mah bakalan ga tega makannya. Makasih yaa..."

Iya Mon, sama2 thanks yaaa..sering-sering pesen yaa..qiqiqiqiqi 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thai Fried Curry Fish Fry

I am making this Thai recipe for this weekend because during winter you always crave for hot and spicy food.
First I started this recipe with a fried fish, but was not satisfied so came up with the Thai chilies and make it more like a saute with all flavors incorporated.

2 fillets of Cat Fish cubed
2 tbsp Curry powder
1/2 tsp Cumin powder
1/4 tsp Chili powder
1/2 tsp White Pepper powder
Salt to taste
1/4 inch Ginger chopped
3 pods of Garlic chopped
5-6 Thai Red Chilies
2 medium size Onions
2 tsp Soya Sauce
1 tsp Oyster sauce
2 tsp Oil

1. Marinate the fish with salt, pepper, curry powder, cumin powder, chili powder for about 10 mins ( mins on each side) and pan fry them and keep aside
2. Remove the fish and in the same pan add ginger and garlic saute it for about 1-2 mins.
3. Add Onions and Thai red chilies and saute it until the onions turn light brown.
4. Add soya sauce and oyster sauce, white pepper powder and salt.
5. Now add the fish and increase the flame to medium high and add the fish and carefully mix all the ingredients without breaking the fish.
6. Serve it hot with steamed rice or rice noodles.

Taste Of Thai

Thai Fried Curry Fish Fry
Thai Chili Pork
Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of Thailand. Thai cuisine places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic components. Thai cuisine is known for being spicy. Balance, detail and variety are important to Thai cooking. Thai food is known for its balance of the five fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: hot (spicy), sour, sweet, salty, and (optional) bitter.

This weekend I planned to make two recipes to make in Thai style, as we like to eat spicy food. In both of these recipes I infused a little touch of Indian spices just to make it different. 
I made Thai Fried Curry Fish Fry and Thai Chili Pork. (Click on the two links to see the recipes)

Some links and Information about Thai Food and Culture.
Traditional Thai Food
Thai 1000 Hands Dance

Some Interesting Thai Food Blogs/Websites:
Local Thai Food
Eat 24 Hours
Aroma Cookery
Tourism Thailand