Saturday, January 12, 2013

Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Fire Risk?

Here is a link to a respected lighting blog, Greenwashing Lamps, and a blog post entitled

CFL Fire Risk?


The blogger, halogenica, is well known in the lighting industry for her blog-campaign to discredit CFLs and LEDs. I don't agree with her on everything, but do agree that it doesn't pay to endanger our homes and lives by buying cheap light bulbs. 

BTW. Sadly, to my knowledge, virtually ALL light bulbs are made in China these days, in spite of the fact that Edison invented them here.

Well worth the read if you have cheap compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs in recessed ceiling fixtures or other enclosed fixtures in your home or business. The last place you want a fire is in a hole through the fire-protective sheetrock or plaster in your ceiling.
