Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Some Bamboo Flooring Not All It's Cracked Up to Be!

I received this notice today from MarketWatch on a realtor's survey.

"If replacing floors, avoid bamboo. This flooring was popular when it debuted, but now users are saying it is easily dented and scratched. It is also more likely to warp due to weather and humidity. "

On further investigation it seems as though all bamboo flooring is not equal. Some homeowners are registering their disappointment in the green product on their floors.

Looks like some growers are harvesting their bamboo too early and the result is a finished floor that doesn't exhibit the hardness of bamboo grown for a longer period of time (which can be similar to hardwood in hardness and durability).

Here are some links to support my conclusions:
Berkeley Parents Network
Town of Portola Valley

And some do's and don'ts:
Bamboo Flooring Basics

The upshot: Choose your supplier carefully. Don't buy the cheapest product. Look for a minimum 10 year warranty on the material.
