Monday, February 18, 2008

The Error of My Ways

Today I received a notice about a comment on one of my blog posts about HomeAnnex, an enticing web site with lots of plumbing fixtures and other great items.

Here is the comment:

whgeiger has left a new comment on your post "Home Annex - A GREAT Resource":

You should check the BBB before you make such recommendations. My experience with this firm is contrary to yours. To confirm this, here is what the NY chapter has to say:

"On May 22, 2007, this company's membership in the BBB was revoked by the BBB's Board of Directors due to failure to cooperate with the BBB on advertising matters, unresolved complaints, and the company's failure to eliminate the underlying causes of complaints on file with the BBB concerning: non-delivery of merchandise, failure to respond to customer issues and complaints, failure to adhere to its posted policies, and misrepresentation of product availability."

The URL follows so you may verify these facts for yourself.

I must admit I was taken in by a well-constructed web site and recommended an apparently spurious and unethical business to my readers.

Mea Culpa please.

I hope no readers have been harmed by my lack of due diligence.

I will be more careful in the future to only recommend sites about which I have personal knowledge or a good recommendation. This is the way I run my business, so there is no reason to think I have to do things differently here.

I DO like to preview or comment upon new products here and on my other blogs. Obviously I can not be accountable for products that do not perform as advertised.
As always, buyer beware.

My deepest thanks to whgeiger.
I have removed the original, laudatory, post.
